下北沢 美容室 ロッソサンテ



English Speaking Hair Salon&appointment [ROSSO & Sete Shimokitazawa ]

Hello !! I’m Matsu.

Thank you for coming my blog!!

But I’m sorry.


INFO.(9/20 2020)

We  moved to another place in Shimokitazawa on 16th September 2020.

I wrote new blog about our salon !!(2021.3.24)

[Sete Shimokitazawa]


2-22-12  Refua build 1F  Kitazawa  Setagayaku  Tokyo 


This  is our group’s New shop!!

It opened November 2018 in  Shimokitazawa’s west area.










So if you need english hair stylist ,please ask me!!

It’s me.lol

I’m working in [Sete Shimokitazawa] now.




If it’s difficult to call ,please send me Email:rosso.matsu@gmail.com

Or  If you can read Japanese , I recommend『Online appointment


I will waiting for your coming !! m(_ _)m



Price list (excluding tax)

cut    ¥6,000-  (including shampoo & dry)

student cut   ¥5,000-

cut & color ¥13,000 ~

cut & perm ¥13,000 ~

cut & straightning  ¥20,000 ~

treatment ¥2,000  ~  ¥6,000-

shampoo & blow ¥4,000-


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